  • 河南省地质博物馆 赴日本福井县立恐龙博物馆考察 并举行缔结姊妹馆签字仪式
  • 点击次数:152637 发布时间:2017-09-19

  • 应日本福井县立恐龙博物馆邀请,经省政府批准,由省厅纪检组长司喜云同志(对外身份为:河南省国土资源厅副厅长)带队,带领地质博物馆蒲含勇馆长、徐莉副馆长一行3人,于2010年9月26日至10月1日,赴日本对福井县立恐龙博物馆考察并与该馆举行缔结姊妹馆签字仪式,在日本为期6天(含往返),圆满完成了考察和工作任务,于10月1日顺利回国返回郑州。






    河南省地质博物馆馆长  蒲含勇










    Speech on the Signing Ceremony of Sister-Museums betweenHenanGeological Museum andFukuiPrefecturalDinosaurMuseum

    Pu Hanyong: Curator ofHenanGeological Museum

    Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, good morning!

    After the friendly consultations, the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum of Japan and the Henan Geological Museum of China will establish Sister-Museum relationship. For our further friendly cooperation and communication, we held the signing ceremony of Sister-Museum here. First of all, I will express my warmest welcome and the most sincere thanks to our guests and colleagues on behalf ofHenanGeologicalMuseum!

    HenanGeologicalMuseumis mainly responsible for the exhibition of popular earth science, collecting and research on precious specimen of Geology and Paleontology, collecting and inquiring of geological data. There are more than one thousand display forms, including 3D animation film, illusions, multimedia, and landscape model simulation. There are the holotype of Huanghetitan ruyangensis which bears the biggest coelom ofAsia, the biggest nest of dinosaur eggs, precious specimen of early mammals, feathered-dinosaur specimens, the earliest fossil ginkgo fruits and some other national treasure specimens. In the recent years, the great achievements of excavation, exploration and research on Vertebrate Paleontology of Henan Province which represented by the cretaceous Ruyang and Luanchuan dinosaur groups have made great impact on the international paleontology.

    The friendship and cooperation between Henan Geological Museum of China and Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum of Japan has a long history, back to March to September of 2008, the Fukui PrefecturalDinosaurMuseumofJapansuccessfully held the "Dinosaur continent" exhibition inChibaPrefectureandNiigataPrefecturewhich include the specimen of Huanghetitan ruyangensis from Henan Geological Museum of China. In order to strengthen further academic exchanges and mutual development on paleontology betweenChinaandJapan, Henan Geological Museum of China and Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum of Japan officially form the Sister-Museum relationship today, and both sides convinced that the establishment of Sister-Museum relationship will further promote the cooperation and exchanges.

    Finally, I express our thanks once again for the coming of our distinguished guests and Colleagues! And also express our sincere thanks toFukuiPrefecturalDinosaurMuseumfor their careful preparation and thoughtful arrangements to this ceremony!

    That’s all, thank you for your attention!

    September 28, 2010
